Getting Scotland on their bikes

Cycling Scotland's awards programme supports workplaces, schools, campuses and communities across Scotland to become Cycling Friendly — something more relevant now than ever. The existing service and process was cumbersome, time-consuming and a predominantly manual process of numerous phone calls, reams of paperwork, disconnected spreadsheets and maxed out inboxes. It was our job to design a streamlined new system and service.

Cycling Scotland
DesignWeb & appDevelopment
Cycling through the streets

Our core objectives were to improve the overall operational efficiency of the service provided by Cycling Scotland, making it faster and simpler for assessors to process certification — and to allow businesses, campuses and schools to self-serve and take control of their own applications and progress to ease pressure on the Cycling Scotland team.

We worked in close collaboration with the Cycling Scotland team — designing the system for the many assessors who use the system on a daily basis to manage and process certificates on the move across Scotland on a range of devices. We also created a slick front end for end users wishing to gain their Cycling Friendly Certification.

Web app
Web app intro screen

To align with cycling we devised the concept of a journey - one to be enjoyed along the way with as well as taking the user to their desired destination. We showed users how far they are along their journey and gave them encouragement to finish it. For an element of fun and forward motion, we even created a parallax scrolling effect which has our cyclist passing various iconic Scottish landmarks.

A wee nod to our craft and creativity

The project was shortlisted by a panel of international judges for the Best Digital Design award in The Nods 2019/20 and - more importantly - led to a very satisfied client.

It has completely transformed and simplified the entire service, creating a huge amount of operational efficiency.

Kath Brough, Head of Behaviour Change, Cycling Scotland

Have a look at our carefully crafted on-boarding experience at