Marketing Stars!

Guy Vickerstaff

Public Sector Gold and Bronze double awards!

At the Marketing Society Star Awards, we’ve won 6 golds and 5 silvers in the digital categories over the past 7 years – a record unsurpassed.

This year we’re thrilled to add both Gold and Bronze in the Public Sector category. We won gold for our Leave Space for a Life campaign for Cycling Scotland and bronze in the public sector category for our "Chat. Sign. Protect" campaign for Public Health Scotland.

Here's what our Creative Director Guy Vickerstaff had to say:

"Winning these awards is especially meaningful because it acknowledges work that’s not only been proven effective but also stands out creatively. This is work with genuine impact and real human value. Collecting these awards on stage, with the Scottish Government Marketing Team in the audience, was a proud moment for us – especially since they went on to win Marketing Team of the Year themselves. A huge congratulations to them!"

Head on over here to watch our TV ad and find out more about our Leave Space for a Life campaign.